วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Taiwan, China Sign Historic Trade Deal

Taiwan, China sign a historic trade agreement in order to be a good economy in 2 countries.

China will cut duty on 539 items from Taiwan about 16 percent exports to the mainland, and Taiwan will cut charge on 267 items from China about 10.5 percent shipments to Taiwan. Some of the other ASEAN economics have free trade access to China in order to join more competitive with China and Taiwan will be face for higher trade. Acconding to analysts, the landmark deal will be better than before, and impact on the mutual economic development of Taiwan and China in to a good way when both of them sign a historic trade agreement.

In my opinion, both of these will make a lot of profits with each other becuase they have a freetrade market.

URL - http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/06/29/china.taiwan.deal/index.html#fbid=QEJ_EhfR2Xf&wom=false

Party School, Harvard Organize Joint Forum

China's top college and Harvard university have a conference about social devepment problems.

The China Social Development from concentrate on health, education etc. by more than 50 scholars. According to CPS vice president Wang Weiguang, he think that this forum will achieve positive results which contribute to the building of china's harmonious society. Professor Barry Bloom, teacher of Harvard School, hope that this conference can be a successful of informative and arousing dialogue. China development affects about 1.3 billion yuan to Chinese people. CPS has established acdemiarelations more than 30 countries and histed more than 30 bilateral including politics, economy, law etc.

I think that they should develop their policy about improving education because education is important for people. They have to focus on social development too.

URL - http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200706/23/eng20070623_386938.html

Air China to Add Planes, Boost Capacity

Air China would like to buy new planes for increasing their capacity in order to grow up the economy.

Shareholder of Air China got a better result and outlook. Air China which have a competition with China Eastern Airlines and China Southtern Airline grow up a 121 percent in the first quarter by earning a stable air traffic demand and fuel hedging gains. Chinese said that they had slowly improved economy Air travel in 2008, but they started to improve in 2009 which helpped by the government cash. Air China would like to operate 262 planes at the end of 2009, buy 96 planes and speed up their capacity expension. They expect that they can grow up to 10-12 percent in 2010 while they spend mony 15 billion yuan from 10 billion yuan last year.

In my perspective, Air China have to boost up their economy and quality in order to have many customer.

URL - http://news.airwise.com/story/view/1272280721.html

China National Library cuts Service Fee

The National Library of China (NLC) would like to increase reading demand because this skill is important to gain knowledge.

According to Zhang Yan, an officer with NLC, the fee for paper copies, searching information and material transmittion has cut up to 85 percent. Zhang sais that most people are expected to come in this project in order to increase reading demand. NLC promised that they will release some 10,000 new books every year. It has provided more than 720,000 books and meterial on the Internet. The libraby hastried to support the people who like reading with financial support from the government. There are a new building for libraby which is supported by computer and some high technologies, and can be hold up to 8,000 readers per daily.

In my opinion, NLC should promote people in order to increase their reading demand because reading is an important skill. They should plan to increase the reading demand.

URL - http://www.china.org.cn/english/culture/242375.htm

China plans first space-walk

China will launch three astronauts into space next year.

China had a plan to launch the third rocket which are called "Shenzhou VII" The astronaut will walk in a space and will be boardcast back to China. They would be attached to a belt because it take very fast at the first time in Ground floor to a space. China plan a target in 5 years that they will have a rocket for launch into a space in next generation. China also announced that they will build a new range of carrier rockets in order to send a bigger satellite and space station. They planned to put these rocket into a space after 5 years, and they would start building the rockets at the end of 2009 which spend money about 4.5 billion yuan for this project.

In my opinion, this technology have many benefits for people because these can be a study case for students.

URL - http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/space/2008-09-24-chinaspace_N.htm

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Huatai securities H1 profits decline 19%

Huatai securities have a problem about decreasing profits in the first half of 2010.

This company is number 10 largest which has stable assets. Net profit of this company during six month were 1.4 billion year, and their business income were go down 13.9 percent to 3.6 billion yuan compare with the month in the last year according to the company results filed with the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Moreover, commission incomes was decrease 28.2 percent from last year as increasing a lot of compettition reduced brokerage commission. Stock investment profits surprisingly decrease 76.4 percent owing to the bad performance of china's stock market since the begining of the year. earning got 0.27 yuan,explaining by compare with the year decline of 31.7 percent.

In my opinion, Huatai securities got a big problem because of decreasing profits. They should do more homework in order to grow up their business. and make a lot of profits increasing their brokerage commision, so as to earn money.

URL - http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2010-08/07/content_11115419.htm

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Olympic champion Gio Jingjing to skip Asian Games.

Guo Jingjing who was an olympic champion will not join in Asian Games this year in the Southern Chinese city of Guangzhou.
The head of the Chinese driving team said that they will select on the group of people approximately 20 people in order to compete for the diving events of Guangzhou in Asian Games not including Guo Jingjing. They will cut down the people to 16. Guo Jingjing, who is decorated in olympic history and China's most famous female athlete, is a woman diver. She has won six olympic medals. Four of these is gold including a double in last year, but they have concerned about her future in the sport.
Finally, in my perspective, Guo Jingjing is one of the famous diver in China. She has the best show on her diving because she has got a lot of an experiences when she has joined the compete in several time.